The Parents Association
Our Parents Association was set up in 1992. We are always keen to welcome new
members and would encourage everyone who is interested to let us know. We really
would like new members to join our Parent’s Association to continue to bring energy
to this integral part of our school.We are concerned that without more parental
involvement the Parent Association will struggle to be able to offer the vital support
to our children and the school…
The Committee is as follows:
Andrew Leaver – Treasurer
Nicole Harney – Secretary
Caroline Walshe – Chairperson
Committee members: Agnes Dowd, Joan Cummins, Emily Sachs-Eldridge
The main aims/role of the Parents Association are:
• To represent the views of all the parents.
• To inform parents of developments in education and in the school.
• To foster co-operation between Parents, Teachers and School Management.
• To work towards making the school a community in which our children can grow
in social and academic skills and in which the teachers feel supported in their work
by the parents.
• To provide opportunities for parents and teachers to meet, in order to exchange
ideas on the education of children in the home, problems of mutual interest,
policies and any other matters of relevance.
Our main income is through the School Levy Fund which is collected by the Parent’s
Association from the parents. Thank you to all families who paid the levy. This
year’s collection totalled €1,685 and this money will be put towards some outdoor
play equipment for the playground.
As well as fundraising the Parent’s Association are involved in the development of
some school policies such as Child Safeguarding and Anti-Bullying Policies.
Thank you for your continued support.
Hope to see you at our next meeting!